Well another year has come and gone.. How crazy! I honestly can not believe how quickly this year went by, I still remember last New Years like it was yesterday. It is the time where we make resolutions and we may or may not follow them, but I am convinced if I sit here and tell you mine then I have to follow them or I would be letting you guys down!! So here is my list of Resolutions for 2014!
Blog at least 3 times + a week. I get pretty busy with work and school, and I sometimes just don't have time to take photos of what i'm wearing, no matter how bad I want to. This is a big goal for me to really try to be posting a lot more weekly even when i'm most busy!
Eating healthy and Working out. This is probably the most cliche thing said around the new year but i'm serious. I was a dancer for 16 years so fitness has always been a big part of my life, but I need to make it more of a priority, especially when things get busy, I always put the gym/working out last, or when I get a spare moment and it should be a lot higher on the priority list. As eating healthy goes, I am a college student, i'm obviously not able to afford all organic food and cook these fabulous healthy meals... but my menu now consists of pizza rolls and stouffers mac and cheese. I guess its cheaper to buy healthy food now though, than when i'm older to be in the hospital for the horrible things my eating habits did to me.
Staying positive and happy. I feel like more than ever people lately are trying to bring others down or are constantly providing drama, and I want none of it. I am living in paradise and I want my attitude and mood to match the atmosphere i'm living in. There is an awesome quote I saw and i'm unsure on the author, but it stated "The more you love your decisions the less you need others to love them." I LOVE that, because its true, as long as you are happy and feeling good with the choices you have made, it shouldn't matter who agrees and who doesn't, because quite frankly, it isn't their life.
I hope you are all ready for a new year and are making goals and following new dreams!!
P.S I hope everyone has a very safe holiday!!
P.S I hope everyone has a very safe holiday!!