Wednesday, July 9, 2014


Well friends, its already been an entire year since my journey to California. My lease is up, and i'm getting ready to move to a new apartment. Time flies when you're having fun I guess! "Fun" isn't really the phrase I would use though... more like time of my life or best decision I have ever made. I have learned so much about myself out here and I can honestly say, I found myself. I have never been so happy or free before.  There is so many opportunities out here and ALWAYS something to do. I think everyone should venture out and try something new, you never know what you might discover.
Life has become so positive and I can see my future so much more clear. I will admit, being away from my family and some of my close friends has been my main struggle, but I know they are back in Utah cheering me on. Plus, they get a vacation to California when they visit me, so that doesn't suck! If anyone wants to move away, even for a little bit, I say DO IT. You learn and grow so much. You meet new people, and get to be in new environments. There are so many things that I thought everyone did or knew about and come to find out, most of them were just from the state I lived in. Its like breaking out of a bubble, and I think everyone should break out of that bubble.

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