Wednesday, September 18, 2013


Fur Vests have been in for a couple of seasons now, and I absolutely love them, and yet I myself have failed to find one in stores that I love, for a decent price. ( If you know a good place, let me know!!!) with fall coming up I have been seeing tons a pictures of fur vests like on Pinterest and tumblr.

So here's what inspired me to write this post........ a couple weeks ago on Tumblr I saw the cutest combination with a fur vest that I was like ok, I need to get me one that I love so I can try some funky things with it. SO last night Pinterest before bed I came across another fun combo, and I just have to share them with you guys!!!
I LOVE that!!! First off, flannels, are so in, and one of my favorite things to layer with, I think they go with everything and add so much to and outfit, and they look completely effortless!
I adore this pairing together and think it would be so fun to layer with a graphic tank, flannel, and fur vest and put some edgy boots with it.
This one is simply amazing as well.
Putting the fur vest on a denim jacket is seriously genius.
It changes the whole look of a denim jacket.
I have got to get me a fur vest that I love!!
XOXO- Allie.

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Home S W E E T Home!

I haven't even had a chance to be alone in my house yet! I have had company! which has been very nice, but now its time to start getting use to this place!! I keep thinking i'm just on vacation with all of my belongings. ha! boy, am I wrong. I love the way my place is turning out though! I still have a lot to get and more to add but here are some pictures of it so far!! Hope you enjoy it!
Xoxo- Allie

 Had to Show how perfect my plates from Target match my scheme!!

A very full closet.....

And hall closet....HA!!
I hope you guys enjoyed a little break from fashion.

Saturday, September 7, 2013